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FMU performance comparison between modelica tools

FMU performance comparison between modelica tools


Is there any article or report that compares FMU performance generated by different modelica tools (openmodelica, dymola, maplesim, ...)?

I am using hundreds of fmu's genereted by openmodelica (FMI 1.0 Model exchange) for real-time simulation of large scale power grids but i see that the performance of the fmu's is not good enough when the number of the fmu's increases.

Also is there any difference between FMI 1.0 and FMI 2.0 in terms of performance?


Re: FMU performance comparison between modelica tools

You can use the C++ runtime for the FMUs for better performance (flag +simCodeTarget=Cpp), see here: … chmann.pdf

Adrian Pop/

Re: FMU performance comparison between modelica tools

It is also possible to use setCFlags(getCFlags() + " -Os") to optimize the compiled code (default is -O0).

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