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linux installation problems with ubuntu wiley (15.10)

linux installation problems with ubuntu wiley (15.10)

there already is a repository with debian files here:

but when using the proposed way to add the resources it will not find the packages:


for deb in deb deb-src; do echo "$deb `lsb_release -cs` nightly"; done | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmodelica.list

I think it probably has something to do, that it doesn't appear here yet:

so I just wanted to notify the developers current/wink

Re: linux installation problems with ubuntu wiley (15.10)

I am working on it. Wily has lots of problems with the installed g++ ld and cross-compilation. The i386 and amd64 builds are working and you can use the source package to build the deb-files yourself if you wish.

Re: linux installation problems with ubuntu wiley (15.10)

Thanks, this does now work for me, using Xubuntu 15.10 and OpenModelica Nightly.

Re: linux installation problems with ubuntu wiley (15.10)

Yes, the nightly does work. The 1.9.3 release will not work on Wily though.

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