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Level equation on OpenTank

Level equation on OpenTank


I am new to the Modelica language and I hope some of the experts at this forum could give me an answer.

I am trying to make a new simple(r) OpenTank, one without heat-transfer & energy calculated of the ports on the tank. I am using the OpenTank  implemented in the Modelica Standard Library as background for my equations. I order to find make this new model I am looking for the "level" or "fluidLevel" equation in the tank, I do not see which equation this is. I have looked in "PartialLumpedVessel", but I cannot see identify it.
Can someone help me identify the equation?

Thank you in advance

// Bikeking

Re: Level equation on OpenTank

The first variable defined in OpenTank is:


  SI.Height level(stateSelect = StateSelect.prefer, start = level_start_eps) "Level height of tank";

And the first equation is the fliud level equation:


  V = crossArea * level "Volume of fluid";

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