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Python Modelica Compiler/ Anyone want to help?

Python Modelica Compiler/ Anyone want to help?

I've been working with openmodelica for awhile and always have found it difficult to extend the compiler for my needs. Recently ANTLR released a python runtime. I was able to easily combine the AST created with antlr and the jinja templates engine to create a compiler from modelica to a python based simulation for simple examples. I'm looking for anyone with interest in helping me out.

Jinja template to render AST into python simulation: … ympy.jinja

ANTLR 4 Modelica Grammar: … odelica.g4

Re: Python Modelica Compiler/ Anyone want to help?

I just finished a hello world ipython notebook example using pymola:

1. Analytical jacobians with sympy
2. Scipy python ode solver … mple.ipynb

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