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Delayed Transition on ModelicaML

Delayed Transition on ModelicaML


I don't know if here is the right place to post this topic but, in the doubt, I prefer to report my issue here.
There are one reported issue and one question.

I recently tried to use delayed transition with ModelicaML. So I built I pretty simple model from which I generated Modelica code.
However, when I tried to directly simulate this code (with Dymola 2016, JModelica 1.16 or OpenModelica 1.9.3), the simulation didn't work.
But, with some modifications on the Modelica code: mainly, it consisted in turning lines:


 when {, Given.State.selfTransitionActivated} then 



 when {pre(, Given.State.selfTransitionActivated} then 

Then, it eventually proved to work fine (at least with JModelica, I haven't tried with the two others yet).

Does some one have any explications?

Does any one have hints about the modification of the generation template (how to process?) for test purposes?

Best regards,

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