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Using Petri Net logic in control via Arduino (discrete event systems)

Using Petri Net logic in control via Arduino (discrete event systems)

I would like to make a bigger university project with Arduino. You can see the scheme here:

I would like to control the system using Petri Net logic. Petri Nets should be vizualized on the PC. PC is connected to Arduino and controlled system is connected to Arduino of course. Controlled system would be of discrete event or hybrid character.

Do you have any idea of existing projects or how to start?

For example I like OpenModelica and its Statechart (simplified Petri Nets) in this theoretical paper: … sc98fp.pdf

You can see that the places of Petri net are connected to actuator. So when the token is in the place - the actuator turn on. So in our case - when the token is in the place - the specific pin on Arduino or function is executed.

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