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nightly build msi error & zip?

nightly build msi error & zip?


the msi nightly build version 7392 produces an error 2908 'component cannot be registered'.

In addition, the folder doc and zip are no more present in the 1.6.0 nightly build directory - is this intended?


Re: nightly build msi error & zip?


doc was moved in 1.6.0 into
zip is gone but the libraries are in
This is to make the installation directory more portable Windows/Linux.

About the 2908  'component cannot be registered' i don't know, it works perfectly fine for us.
It might be that you have some problems with one of your installs. Can you uninstall and re-install OpenModelica?

Adrian Pop/

Re: nightly build msi error & zip?

about the doc and zip location: I misinterpreted the Readme. I thought the zip file would be available on the server for download (for those not wanting to run the installer).

the 2908 error seems to happen only if i try to install omc for my user only. installing for all works fine. i checked this with the original release - the same problem (i didn't notice, because i installed that one for all users).


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