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OMEdit on Debian

OMEdit on Debian

I just checked out the latest windows build with the new OMEdit.
It looks great to me! I think i will love it!

Since Debian (Squeeze) is my productive system, i hope it will be available soon. Do you have an idea when?


Edited by: shui - Nov-29-10 02:41:48

Re: OMEdit on Debian

Short answer: When Debian Squeeze is actually released (for a recent enough Qt to build OMEdit). You could also try the Ubuntu repository, which already has it.

Re: OMEdit on Debian

Ok, i want to try: Can you tell me how to install?

We need to ignore the libqt4core (>=4.7) dependencies then.

I tried to use equivs to do that. That didnt work for me.

Maybe you know how to do that?

Re: OMEdit on Debian

dpkg --ignore-depends=package,... --install omeditXXX.deb

Re: OMEdit on Debian

Fine! That brings OMEdit to my disk!
Unforunately, it didnt start, saying:
undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_gro

Ok, I finally installed Qt4.7 from the experimental repositories and reinstalled OMEdit.
Now, it starts without problems. Running simulations works too.

Just one, for me BIG, issue: The programm window doesnt fit to small screens (1024x600). The window jumps up and down regardless where you are clicking to. Resizing the window doesnt work as well. I belive this is a Qt-Issue since digiKam shows the same behavior on my small laptop.
Maybe you can solve this shrinking the initial programm window to fit small screens?

That would be great! Thanks!

Re: OMEdit on Debian

I made the following diff. It seems to work rather fine (it starts at a size appropriate for a larger display but may be resized if the screen is too small). You might get scroll bars in the editing area though, as it becomes quite cramped there.
-    this->setMinimumSize(950, 670);
+    this->setGeometry(0, 0, 950, 670);
+    this->setMinimumSize(400, 300);

The new packages should be in <15 hours if all goes well.

Re: OMEdit on Debian


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