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OMShell overrideFiles with two files

OMShell overrideFiles with two files

How can  overrideFile with two files?

I tried this line. I do not got any error, but only a.txt override. b.txt not proceeed.

simulate(allnew,stopTime=6000,simflags="-overrideFile a.txt,b.txt");


Re: OMShell overrideFiles with two files

Now why on earth does one override file is not enough?
Just append the files to a third one and use that. Windows type a.txt b.txt > c.txt. Linux cat a.txt b.txt > c.txt.

Edited by: adrpo - Mar-15-15 19:48:49

Re: OMShell overrideFiles with two files


Because; i want to keep same type of  variables  in one file. For example, i got 8 resistor,capacitance and SOCini.
I want to change dynamically only resistors inside  for loop it is easy to manipulate files. Thats why.


Re: OMShell overrideFiles with two files

Well, we don't have overrideFile with several files. You could append the files into one and it should work fine.

Re: OMShell overrideFiles with two files

sure, thanks anyway

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