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I am freshly install OMPython. My OS is win7.
I have simple code such as below.


from OMPython import OMCSession
OMPython = OMCSession()

print OMPython.execute('loadModel(Modelica)')
print OMPython.execute  ('loadFile(\"C:/loop/\")')
result = OMPython.execute('simulate(test)')
print result

I have 3 question.
1) I read print result file ..... 'resultFile': '"C:/loop/test.mat"'}  but, there is no test.mat file in c:/loop folder.

2) How can get result file as csv file not mat?

3)If simulation stop time 100 then, how can i get specific time result on screen like meter.v (time =33) ?



Re: OMPython


1. the file is generated in the current directory, not in c:/loop.
use cd("c:/loop") before running simulate if you want the files there.

2. Use: simulate(Model, outputFormat="csv") to generate a comma separated values file.

3. Use val(meter.v, 33) to get the value of meter.v at time 33

See also: … pting.html
and the user's guide.

Adrian Pop/

Re: OMPython

Thank you Adrian,
I think val() only working with .mat result.  For .csv not implemented yet.


Re: OMPython

Also i am looking for OMShell it is very usable.
Does OMShell have   for next / while wend  type of controls?


Re: OMPython

Yes, but you need to write it on a single line, for example:

j:=0; for i in 1:3 loop j:=j+i; end for; j

Re: OMPython

Thank you sjoelund,

So, i want to compare two different parameters inside loop.
I try something like this but it is not working,

for i in 1007:1016 loop i:=i+1; val(Meter1.v,i)-val(Meter2.v) ; end for;

Is there any  documents explain more control about   for, loop, if, while, wend e.t.c.


Re: OMPython

Hi again,
I found pdf file. But,

for i in 1:18 loop val(Meter.v,i); end for

this code suppose to be  print val(Meter.v,i) value but not,

What's wrong this code?


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