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Solver option

Solver option


I made my model in Dymola to compare the model with Matlab.

In Dymola I used Dassl solver, it works fine but the results are not exactly same with Matlab. The I used Rkfix2 with fixed time step (.001) (Because Matlab use Trapezoidal method, so it is more important to compare with same kind of solver) and I get almost similar result.

Now I am trying to run the same model in OpenModelica. In OpenModelica the Dassl works fine, but RungeKutta solver is not working.

My query is, is there any way I can change the fixed time step in OpenModelica to check if RungeKutta solvers works or not? My final goal is to proof the OpenModelica Model, not the Dymola Model.

Thank you.


Re: Solver option

You can change the step dize of the rungekutta method by chnaging the numberOfIntervals.

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