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mac osx installation problem openmodelica
mac osx installation problem openmodelica
I am new to openmodelica and would like to install it on my mac osx.
I am currently using mac osx 10.10.2. I have installed homebrew before and used it to install python and other optimization packages like casadi and ipopt.
I have tried to install openmodelica using the instructions given in the website for mac osx using macports.
echo rsync://build.openmodelica.org/macports/ >> /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf # assuming you installed into /opt/local
after following this step and replacing the source.conf file as root user macports fails to selfupdate. It selfupdates before but it doesn't work anymore.
so i went back to using homebrew and could find proper instructions using homebrew.
I found these two forums:
http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptextern … lica#toc19
and for installing through source code:
svn co https://openmodelica.org/svn/OpenModelica/trunk/ openmodelica
but the above forum didn't give me much help since i didn't install openmodelica before.
I also tried help from this forum which is 3 years old but has help with homebrew:
I hit a block at the compiling openmodelica part:
at this step
svn checkout https://openmodelica.org/svn/OpenModelica/trunk/
I used the other latest svn link to download all packages again
svn co https://openmodelica.org/svn/OpenModelica/trunk/ openmodelica
I need help from here
Thanks in advance...
Re: mac osx installation problem openmodelica
It sounds like you didn't correctly edit /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf. You said that you replaced it. Instead, what you should do, is to append this line to it:
The "echo" line above, is supposed to just append it. Due to ownership you probably need to use sudo.
If you can no longer get macportss to selfupdate, then something is wrong with your macports install (or config file)
- dersh
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