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Power system topology transformer change fail

Power system topology transformer change fail

To change the topology of the transformer (Y or Delta) the following is the syntax shown in the examples.
PowerSystems.AC3ph.Transformers.TrafoStray trafo(redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top_n "Y",redeclare PowerSystems.AC3ph.Ports.Topology.Delta top_p "Delta") annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-12, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));

The follow error message is received
[3] 22:34:03 Translation Error
Internal error pre-optimization module clockPartitioning failed.

[4] 22:34:03 Symbolic Error
Too few equations, under-determined system. The model has 100 equation(s) and 114 variable(s).

It seems that the values of parameters on top_n and top_v are missing  (v_cond and i_cond).

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