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Modelica Executable and Window's dll's

Modelica Executable and Window's dll's

When OM Shell runs a Modelica model (executable, ModelName.exe), the executable apparently finds the needed dll's. When I run a Modelica model (executable) the program does not find the required dll's and does not run. So I added ... OpenModelica\MinGW\bin to the Windows 7 path and all is well. But the recipient of a Modelica.exe distributable may not want to or know how to edit the path. How does OM Shell do this? Does it put an argument in the Model.exe command line that points to the dll folder? Or what? Thanks.

Re: Modelica Executable and Window's dll's

Because OMC automatically sets the environment i.e provides the required dlls in PATH.
If you want to provide your Model.exe to some other users you should provide the required dlls alongwith.


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