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Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
I would like to use the elements in the Modelica_synchronous library. However, if I try to flatten Modelica_Synchronous.Examples.RealSignals.Sample1 (or any other example) I get the error message:
[C:/OpenModelica1.9.1/lib/omlibrary/Modelica_Synchronous 0.92/ClockSignals.mo:642:3-674:11] Error: Class Clock not found in scope Modelica_Synchronous.ClockSignals.Interfaces.
It is completely true that this class doesn't exist.
Does anybody has any pointers to solve this?
Thanks in advance
- bjdekruif
- 18 Posts
Re: Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
OpenModelica does not fully support synchronous features from Modelica Specification 3.3.
We're working on it but it will take a while.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
thanks for the quick reply!
- bjdekruif
- 18 Posts
Re: Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
You can play with what little does work using +std=3.3
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
When I use the +std=3.3 at the simulation flags in OMedit, it still won't flatten.
This flag is to specify the language version it uses for compilation, if I understand correctly. The error is just that it cannot find the class 'Clock'. It seems that this wouldn't be solved by specifying the language. I don't start a simulation yet.
- bjdekruif
- 18 Posts
Re: Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run
The simulation flags only affect the simulation executable. Tools->Options->Simulation->OMC Flags can set specific flags. A little odd the simulation setup can't...
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
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- » Examples Modelica_Synchronous don't run