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Model linearization
Model linearization
I'm trying to linearize a fairly simple Modelica model using OpenModelica 1.9.1Beta4. The model contains a point mass whose motion is constrained through a prismatic constraint with a spring-damper connected to the prismatic joint. Upon model linearization (at t = 1sec.) the simulation returns 0 for all elements in the state-space matrices.
The output of the end of the OMEdit log is:
parameter Integer n = 2; // states
parameter Integer k = 0; // top-level inputs
parameter Integer l = 0; // top-level outputs
parameter Real x0[2] = {0,0};
parameter Real u0[0] = {i for i in 1:0};
parameter Real A[2,2] = [0,0;0,0];
parameter Real B[2,0] = zeros(2,0);
parameter Real C[0,2] = zeros(0,2);
parameter Real D[0,0] = zeros(0,0);
Real x[2](start=x0);
input Real u[0];
output Real y[0];
Real x_Pprismatic1Ps = x[1];
Real x_Pprismatic1Pv = x[2];
der(x) = A * x + B * u;
y = C * x + D * u;
end linear_springmass1;
Any insight into this issue would be welcome. The model is attached.
Re: Model linearization
how did you do it?
Did you used the the compiler flag: "+generateSymbolicLinearization"
so long.
- wbraun
- 75 Posts
Re: Model linearization
This was done in OMEdit by setting specifying the Linearization time in the simulation flags settings at time 0.
I'm also trying this in OMNotebook, first loading the Modelica library, which should include the Modelica_Linear_Systems2 2.3.2 libraries. In OmNotebook,
When I use the set command to linearize: setCommandLineOptions({"+d=linearization"}), I get the following error message:
"Error: Unknown debug flag linearization."
I'm using the latest nightly build, downloaded today.
Not sure why it's not recognizing the d flag, this comes right out of the OMNotebook example: E411tanksystem.onb. Maybe I don't have things pointed
to the correct folders.
Any help would be welcome.
Re: Model linearization
Yes, there is no debug flag any more that is called "lineraize".
It's now a config option and can be set with:
Or if you are using OMNotebook or OMShell you can also use
the linearize api call.
( see also https://build.openmodelica.org/Document … rize.html)
- wbraun
- 75 Posts
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