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OMOptim example

OMOptim example


are there some examples on use OMOptim?

I've downloaded OpenModelica Optimization Application by CDAC - I am not sure it OMOptim example...

Thank you,

Re: OMOptim example

When trying to use OmOptim (r23356) under Ubuntu 14.04, 32bit, I failed using a very simple example. I attached the sample file to this posting.

First, I created a new project. Then I loaded the sample file as well as MSL 3.2.1 and Modelica Services. I expected to see the available Modelica variables as described in OMOptimUsersGuide.pdf. But no variable is shown and there is no option in the context menu to load the variable list.

What am I doing wrong? Support is highly appreciated.


Edited by: christiankral - Nov-15-14 12:32:29

Re: OMOptim example

christiankral wrote:

I attached the sample file to this posting.

Since I cannot see the attached files in this posting, I shared the two files at

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