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Can I create my own connector withour flow variable?

Can I create my own connector withour flow variable?

     I have just started using Modelica language. I was creating model using this language based on algebric equations. I am not interested in dynamics of the model. and only wanted to calculate pressure and temp at the inlet and exit of the each of the component. So, I decided to reduce simulation time lets have algebric equations and connector with only pressure and temperature(as I am having algebric equations in the form of temperature and pressure). But I am sure that I can use connector with pressure and temperature only. Can I make such connector and use it in my model.
     Please reply ASAP.

Re: Can I create my own connector withour flow variable?

Yes you can. You can use connectors that are not using one flow per each potential variable, the only problem is that the models often won't even out regarding the numbers of equations versus number of unknowns. I have the same problem: If I connect all my components together everything evens out, but the single components don't.

Re: Can I create my own connector withour flow variable?

Dear SKD,
                   Thank you very much.

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