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no results from simulate command

no results from simulate command

I need to run old OpenModelica on Ubuntu 10.04 without GUI and X terminal and I am not able to receive results from simulation. It is more evident from following commands:

teacher@om:/usr/lib/omc/bin$ ./omc ++v
teacher@om:/usr/lib/omc/bin$ OMShell-terminal
Open Source Modelica Terminal Shell
Copyright 1997-2008, PELAB, Linkoping University
To get help on using Mosh and OpenModelica, type "help()" and press enter
Started server using:/usr/lib/omc/bin/omc +d=interactive > /tmp/error.log2>&1 &
res = 0
>>> loadModel(Modelica)
>>> loadFile("/usr/share/doc/omc/testmodels/")
>>> simulate(BouncingBall)
Recieved 0 bytes, exiting

The change of formatOutput does not help. When I execute some command as e.g. "1+1" I receive result without problem. I got the same results also in the case when I executed the same commands via CORBA server.
Can you help me with the advice what should I do to receive results from simulation? Thanks in advance.

Re: no results from simulate command

Let's "reopen" this case, related with the CORBA server

i am facing a similar problem. When executing the command getClassNames, using OMCProxy class, I get an object Result. The log shows that the command executes well and a list of names is printed. I want to manipulate this list. How can I get the value of this object Result? The class Result itself … does not contain any method to get the proper result of the execution.


Re: no results from simulate command

I see...

I reply to myself... I didn't expect the attributes from Result class to be public... so a simple call to <objectresult>.res is enought.
I hope this issue helps to solve the first question.


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