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Help withe der() operator

Help withe der() operator


I'm trying to make a block of an induction machine. In one of the blocks i have to implement the following voltage equations (this is the code i have):

  vqs = ls * der(iqss) + m * der(iqrs) + rs * iqss;
  vds = ls * der(idss) + m * der(idrs) + rs * idss;
  vqr = m * der(iqss) + lr * der(iqrs) - m * wr * idss + rr * iqrs - lr * wr * idrs;
  vdr = m * der(idss) + lr * der(idrs) + m * wr * iqss + lr * wr * iqrs + rr * idrs;

where vqs, vds, vqr, vdr and wr are the inputs of the block and iqss,idss,iqrs and idrs are the state variables (and also the outputs of the blocks).

My question is if i can introduce the equations like this, using the der() operator in two different state variables in the same equation.


Re: Help withe der() operator

Yes, you can.
Don't forget that in the model, you don't have "inputs" and "outputs", but rather "parameters" and "variables".

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