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64 bit version

64 bit version

I wonder if there are plans to create a 64 bit version of OpenModelica, especially for compiling 64 bit executables and FMUs.

Re: 64 bit version

I guess you're asking about Windows.
On Linux we already have it.

The answer is yes, we already compiled OpenModelica in Windows using 64 bit gcc
but there are some issues to resolve before we build a 64 bit release package.

Adrian Pop/

Re: 64 bit version

There is. The default on Linux and OSX is 64-bit builds. And a 64-bit Windows build is in the works.

Re: 64 bit version

I have the same question. That update is going to be available soon (as Nightly Build) for Windows?
I need so much to export my models as 64-bit FMU-s.

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