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Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

When i try to simulate SystemDynamics.PopulationDynamics.LarchBudMoth from OMEdit, I get the error message:

[:0:0-0:0] Error: Cannot instantiate SystemDynamics.PopulationDynamics.LarchBudMoth due to class specialization PACKAGE..advice

I would appreciate two types of advice:
1. How can I solve that problem?
2. What do you recommend to a beginner to read, to become able to help myself?



Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.


I hav the same issue.
I have this message when I try to simulate my model "Cannot instantiate model due to class specialization PACKAGE" .
Did you resolve this problem?
Thank you for any  help.

Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

Select "LBM" inside "LarchBudMoth" then simulate.

Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.


Thank you for your answer Ceraolo.
I'm beginner to openmodelica. I didn't find any explanation in the documentation about "LarchBudMoth". I don't find it.
How can I Select "LBM" inside "LarchBudMoth"?

Any help will be kindly appreciated.


Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

If you use OMEdit you have just to double-click on the LBM icon. Very easy!

I recommend usage of OMEdit to nearly all users, except the most advanced ones.
Since I use OM for teaching, I use OMEdit for my simulations. Only very rarely tried OMC.

Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.


Thank you for your quick reply.

I use OMOEdit "OpenModelica Connection Editor" connected to OpenModelica 1.9.1.
I still don't find any indication where I can activate LBM (no icon).

I want to explain more my problem. In fact when I verify my model I have this output.

"Check of modele completed successfully.
Warning: Requested package Modelica of version 3.2, but this package was already loaded with version 3.2.1. You might experience problems if these versions are incompatible."

I tried to install Modelica library 3.2 and 3.2.1 and it doesn't work with any of those libraries.

If I want to instantiate or simulate my model I have this Output:

" Cannot instantiate OpenModelica due to class specialization PACKAGE".

I can simulate each part of the model separately but not the whole model.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

Because you are trying to simulate a PACKAGE not a MODEL.
To simulate a model simply right click your model in the Libraries Browser and select Simulate.


Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

Ok, I see. So each Package contains models and I have to simulate each of these models separately.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Cannot instantiate due to class specialization PACKAGE.

SystemDynamics|PopulationDynamics|LarchBudMoth contains:

Double click on LBM. You will see the full model schmatic. Then you Can  simulate.

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