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Putting more component into one block

Putting more component into one block

Hello everyone,
My next question is how to put more components into one OM block (something similar to the Matlab/Simulink)? Is there any function or block for this?

Re: Putting more component into one block

From OMEdit simply drag & drop the components into your model.
Read OpenModelicaUsersGuide.pdf chapter 2 for more information.


Re: Putting more component into one block

Once more, thanks for replaying. I already made a complex model and I know some basics how to connect components and how to make models in OMEdit. Now, I am facing problem that I have a lot of components in one model and the questions was how to hide some of them by putting them (compressing) in one block? The same function exists in Matlab/Simulink where exists some blocks with input and outputs and some logic inside this block. In OMEdit, on examples of motors I saw that for example they put all motors components inside one block; terminal box is also made from a few components etc. I want to do the same with my model; to make some box with image and to programe this block. 

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