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biological process, hours as time

biological process, hours as time


iam working the first time with openmodelica. I have some experiences with dymola, so i know the language kind of.

I want to simulate an biological process, over a time of one year. The time intervall should be one hour. When I worked with modelica I always simulated mechanical systems, but when I simulate a biological process it is not very suitable to simulate the process second by second. Its more appropriate to do it hour by hour.

I do not know if there is actually a problem with doing it. If I use the simulation intervall from 0 to 8760 (year in hours) and use all constants based on hour it could work at first sight - thats what I think.

Does anyone of you have an advice/ idea to work with hour - intervalls?

Thank you

Re: biological process, hours as time


Just say simulate(Model, stopTime=8760, numberOfIntervals=8760)
Or if you use OMEdit set it there.

Marry Christmas!

Adrian Pop/

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