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der() operator

der() operator

I just need an information about der() operator. I receive two signals as outputs of a C external function.
Then I've to put them in a system of equation.
If I write


Real vx(start=12);      

Real del(start=0);   
Real psi;   
Real phi;   



it works properly.

But if I insert a der operator on the acquired variable.


Real vx;      

Real del;   
Real psi;   
Real phi;   



it gives me the following error:

resultFile = "Simulation failed.
Error: Model is structurally singular, error found sorting equations Algorithm no: 0 for inputs: () => outputs: (vx, del);
Algorithm no: 0 for inputs: () => outputs: (vx, del);
for variables del(3)

I tried also adding an initial equation but the result is the same. I think I'm making some mistake but I can't find it.
Can you help me please?


Re: der() operator

The problem here is that:
vx(t) + der(vx(t))*step = vx(t+1) in the next timestep. The function call can't provide vx(t+1) or der(vx(t)), so omc doesn't know how to handle that equation. I think that's because omc can only use integrating solvers (no way to change state variable that I know of).

I believe that you are thinking like I used to: der(x) = "(x-delay(x, step))/step". But that's the wrong slope when you use an integrating solver.

Re: der() operator

thank you very much for answering...
I used your (x-delay(x, step))/step instead of der(x) and it seems working..I hope it works too with a more complex model.
Thank you again,

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