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Initial Value

Initial Value


I have written the following code in Openmodelica:

model Tank
  parameter Real Rho;
  parameter Real A;
  parameter Real Aout;
  parameter Real g;
  Real mdot_In = 20;
  Real mdot_Out;
  Real m;
  Real h(start = 2.1);
  der(m) = mdot_In - mdot_Out;
  m = A * h * Rho;
  mdot_Out = Rho * Aout * sqrt(2 * g * h);
end Tank;

model Tank1
  Tank MyTank1(Rho = 1000, A = 1, Aout = 0.0025, g = 9.81);
  Tank MyTank2(Rho = 1000, A = 2, Aout = 0.0025, g = 9.81);
end Tank1;


As it can be seen, I have given an initial value of 2.1 to the variable h.. However, when i simulate it, the value of variable h starts from 0 .. i believe it should start from 2.1 .. can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong here.


Re: Initial Value


Start values are just  a hint. You have to add (start = value, fixed = true) if you want them to be fixed.
But in your case h is a parameter, not a variable so I would say to have: parameter Real h = 2.1;

Adrian Pop/

Re: Initial Value

Thanks a lot, it worked current/smile

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