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"Internal error, check of model failed with no error message."

"Internal error, check of model failed with no error message."


why I have this message when I'm trying to check this model?

function ret_2_matrix
output Real M1[2,3];
output Real M2[2,3];
end ret_2_matrix;

model test
Real Matrix1[2,3];
Real Matrix2[2,3];
when initial() then
end when;
end test;

is it OpenModelica have a probleme in initialization? because this model was checked in another Modelica compiler successfully.


Re: "Internal error, check of model failed with no error message."

With the latest (revision 6300) OpenModelica I get this error:
[] Error: Failed to instantiate equation
when initial() then
  (Matrix1,Matrix2) = ret_2_matrix();
end when;
Error: Error occured while flattening model test
Note that in a .mos script you need to use getErrorString(); after the checkModel(); to get the errors, i.e.
loadFile(""); getErrorString();
checkModel(test); getErrorString();

The problem is that you use a function with multiple outputs which we don't support yet in when equations.
If you use only one output in the function, then it works fine.

Adrian Pop/

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