
OMSimulator is a command line wrapper for the OMSimulatorLib library.

OMSimulator Flags

A brief description of all command line flags will be displayed using OMSimulator --help:

info:    Usage: OMSimulator [Options] [Lua script] [FMU] [SSP file]
           --addParametersToCSV=<arg>      Export parameters to .csv file (true, [false])
           --algLoopSolver=<arg>           Specifies the alg. loop solver method ([fixedpoint], kinsol) used for algebraic loops spanning over multiple components.
           --clearAllOptions               Reset all flags to default values
           --deleteTempFiles=<bool>        Deletes temp files as soon as they are no longer needed ([true], false)
           --emitEvents=<bool>             Specifies whether events should be emitted or not ([true], false)
           --exportParametersInline=<arg>  Export ParameterBindings inline with .ssd file, 
           --fetchAllVars=<arg>            Workaround for certain FMUs that do not update all internal dependencies automatically
           --help [-h]                     Displays the help text
           --ignoreInitialUnknowns=<bool>  Ignore the initial unknowns from the modelDescription.xml (true, [false])
           --inputExtrapolation=<bool>     Enables input extrapolation using derivative information (true, [false])
           --intervals=<int> [-i]          Specifies the number of communication points (arg > 1)
           --logFile=<arg> [-l]            Specifies the logfile (stdout is used if no log file is specified)
           --logLevel=<int>                0 default, 1 debug, 2 debug+trace
           --maxEventIteration=<int>       Specifies the max. number of iterations for handling a single event
           --maxLoopIteration=<int>        Specifies the max. number of iterations for solving algebraic loops between system-level components. Internal algebraic loops of components are not affected.
           --mode=<arg> [-m]               Forces a certain FMI mode iff the FMU provides cs and me (cs, [me])
           --numProcs=<int> [-n]           Specifies the max. number of processors to use (0=auto, 1=default)
           --progressBar=<bool>            Shows a progress bar for the simulation progress in the terminal (true, [false])
           --realTime=<bool>               Experimental feature for (soft) real-time co-simulation (true, [false])
           --resultFile=<arg> [-r]         Specifies the name of the output result file
           --setInputDerivatives=<bool>    Deprecated; see '--inputExtrapolation'
           --skipCSVHeader=<arg>           Skip exporting the scv delimiter in the header (true, [false]), 
           --solver=<arg>                  Specifies the integration method (euler, [cvode])
           --solverStats=<bool>            Adds solver stats to the result file, e.g. step size; not supported for all solvers (true, [false])
           --startTime=<double> [-s]       Specifies the start time
           --stopTime=<double> [-t]        Specifies the stop time
           --stripRoot=<bool>              Removes the root system prefix from all exported signals (true, [false])
           --suppressPath=<bool>           Supresses path information in info messages; especially useful for testing (true, [false])
           --tempDir=<arg>                 Specifies the temp directory
           --timeout=<int>                 Specifies the maximum allowed time in seconds for running a simulation (0 disables)
           --tolerance=<double>            Specifies the relative tolerance
           --version [-v]                  Displays version information
           --wallTime=<bool>               Add wall time information for to the result file (true, [false])
           --workingDir=<arg>              Specifies the working directory

To use flag logLevel with option debug (--logLevel=1) or debug+trace (--logLevel=2) one needs to build OMSimulator with debug configuration enabled. Refer to the OMSimulator README on GitHub for further instructions.


OMSimulator --timeout 180 example.lua