MOSES-2016 Workshop


The MOSES-2016 Workshop

May 16-20

Linköping University

Department of Computer and Information Science


Welcome to the home page of the Modeling of Sustainable Economics Systems workshop 2016 !

The workshop aims at defining new research directions for modeling and simulation-based explorations of viable transitions into a sustainable future, by bringing together world experts from many sustainability/related disciplines.


The MOSES guiding principles

It is our predicament that we live in a finite world, and yet behave as if it were infinite. Steady exponential material growth with no limits on resource consumption and population is the dominant conceptual model used by today’s decision makers. This is an approximation of reality that is no longer accurate and has started to break down. If unsustainable behavior persists and ecological boundaries are ignored too long, societal collapse may occur.

At the same time we demand of decision makers that their decisions make good economic sense. Unchanged, the financial system with its current regulations and instruments, threatens to continue to force decision-making that undermines the wealth and prosperity it purports to support.

To avoid this and develop our society and economic systems to become sustainable, more sophisticated models are needed that include ecological and planetary boundaries as well as human social factors. The long-term success of the welfare economy depends on how well the financial system creates transparent, efficient and routine solutions to various societal problems.

Thus, we could demand of the financial system to facilitate the transformation towards a more efficient and sustainable use of finite resources. However, recurrent financial crises (financial bubbles) and various rigidities in the transition towards a circular economy are clear indications that the current financial system suffers from significant weaknesses. Instead of paving the way towards investments with long-term value, substantial private and public resources are used to cement a historic economic structure.

World Models are simulation models that integrate several aspects of ecological planetary boundaries and many detailed aspects of human society and its interaction with a resource- and pollution-limited planet. Some of such models are available in the Modelica equation-based language. The potential capabilities of these models have significantly improved when used with the recently developed advanced Modelica modeling, simulation, and control technology adapted for such applications. Uncertainty handling, sensitivity analysis, and plug-and-play of submodels are some capabilities.

It is possible to include the economy and the financial system in such an enhanced financial world model which can be used to test and evaluate many kinds of ideas and assumptions about the green economy. 

The starting point is that the economy can be a powerful tool for the transition to sustainability. Research into this requires systems perspective and cross-disciplinary cooperation

The MOSES consortium seeks to create a cross-disciplinary programme to focus on socially sustainable development as the aim, ecological sustainability is a fundamental requirement and the economy is seen as a tool. We identify gaps in the existing financial system and present constructive proposals for a reformed financial system, to enable a faster transition to a sustainable circular economy.
A list of key tasks is the following:


 Peter Fritzson, Director of OSMC (Linköping University)

 Introduction: Modeling of Sustainable Economic Systems

 Jorgen Randers (Ulrich Golüke), Professor Center for Climate Strategy BI Norwegian Business School

 Review of our Plans for the World 4 (PEEC) Model

 Rodrigo Castro, Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires

 Overview of the Modelica-based System Dynamics Library

 David Collste, PhD Student, Stockholm Resilience Centre

 Overview of the Millennium Institute’s Threshold 21 iSDG Model and Method

 Dale S. Rothman, Senior Scientist (Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures), Associate Professor (Josef Korbel School for International      StudiesUniversity of Denver)

 Large-scale Integrated Modeling with International Futures

  Peter Fritzson, Director of OSMC (Linköping University)

 Quick Overview of Original MOSES Proposal

 Steve Hinton, The Swedish Sustainable Economy Foundation 

 Modeling Sustainable Economic Systems

 Sarah Cornell, Stockholm University, Stockholm Resilience Centre

 Planetary Boundaries as potential measurable aspects in a global model 

 Deniz Koca, Assistant Professor,Lund University

 The WORLD Model development in the SimRess Project

 Steven Hinton

 2030 Modelling a plan for Sweden

 Jennifer Hinton, Co-director (the Post Growth Institute), PhD Student (Stockholm Resilience Centre)

 Introducing the Not-for-Profit World and economic model for a brighter future

 Steve Keen, Kingston University London

 Monetary modelling & interplay with sustainability

 Lars Olert

 Economic Flow Constrained Modeling of Economic Systems

 Peter Fritzson, Director of OSMC (Linköping University)

 Introduction to Object-Oriented Modeling,Simulation, Debugging and Dynamic Optimization with Modelica using OpenModelica

 Rodrigo Castro, Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires 

 Overview of the Modelica-based World2 and World3 models

 Rodrigo Castro, Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires  

 General Concepts about Global Modeling 


The MOSES-2016 was held at Linköping University. Currently, Linköping University has approximately 27,000 students and 4.000 employees. Since the start in the late 1960s, Linköping University has been an innovator, creating new study programmes and new ways to tackle research problems. The university is an important driving force for regional development. However, the mission is greater—Linköping University is a national and international player. World-class research is conducted within cutting-edge domains such as new materials, IT and disability research. Students come from all across the globe, with over 80 nationalities represented at LiU. Linköping University is accessible by direct bus from downtown in 10-20 minutes and from the airport by taxi in 10-15 minutes, you can also walk to the university from downtown in about 40 minutes.

Organizing Comittee and Program Chairs

Peter Fritzson
Rodrigo Castro
Sarah Cornell


Bernhard Thiele
Alejandro Danós


In blue: Workshop.
In yellow: Course on world modeling.

 Monday 16Tuesday 17Wednesday 18Thursday 19Friday 20
08.30-09.30Welcome. Introdution of participants. Overview of the week agenda.Fritzson, AllReview of the World4 project. Pt. 2GolukeMonetary systems modeling and their interplay with sustainability issuesKeenThe OpenModelica tool, Modelica language part 2Castro, FritzsonGroup discussions - Parallel activitiesAll
09.30-10.15Review of the World4 project. Pt. 1GolukeIdentification of possible benefits of joint efforts regarding World4AllEconomic flow constrained
modeling economic systems
Olert, ThieleHands on textual modeling with simple Modelica modelsCastro, AllGroup discussions - Parallel activitiesAll
10.15-10.45Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break 
10.45-11.30Overview of the Modelica-based System Dynamics Library pt1CastroThe World model development in the SimRess projectKocaOverview of the Modelica-based System Dynamics Library pt2CastroWorld Modeling general conceptsCastro, AllGroup discussions - Parallel activitiesAll
11.30-12.15Identification of possible benefits of joint efforts regarding World4AllDiscussion and identification of MOSES next steps.AllAn approach to
ecological energy/emergy flow modeling.
Discussion on integrated modeling.
Castro, AllSocioeconomic models with OpenModelicaCastro, AllGroup discussions - Parallel activitiesAll
12.15-13.30Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 
13.30-14.15Overview of the Threshold 21 ModelCollsteInstallation of OpenModelica on your laptop and quick test of World simulationAllDiscussion and identification of
possible MOSES next steps,
integrating economic modeling.
AllFree/TBD Free/TBD 
14.15-15.00Overview of the International Futures Tool and ModelRothmanThe transition economy in Sweden and how to scale up to a global scaleS. HintonThe Modelica language Part1, hands-on graphical modelingCastro, FritzsonHands on with World 3Castro, AllGroup discussions - Parallel activitiesAll
15.00-15.45Presentation of the MOSES approach. Experiences in expressing ideas with System Dynamics and/or Types of research questions in global modelsFritzson, S. Hinton, Cornell, CastroThe non-for-profit approach to sustainability and how to represent it in world modelsJ. HintonThe Modelica-based versions of
World2 and World3 in a nutshell
CastroSocioeconomic models with OpenModelicaCastro, AllGroup discussions - Parallel activitiesAll
15.45-16.15Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break 
16.15-17.00Planetary Boundaries as potential measurable aspects in a global modelCornellDrafting/writing/modeling session part 1AllHands on with World 3Castro, AllHands on with other socioeconomic modelsCastro, AllWrap up. Final messages. Scheduling of activities for the upcoming months.All
17.00-17.45Identification of possible MOSES next steps.AllDrafting/writing/modeling session part 2AllDrafting/writing/modeling session part 3AllDrafting/writing/modeling session part 4AllWrap up. Final messages. Scheduling of activities for the upcoming months.All


Peter Fritzson
Sarah Cornell
Rodrigo Castro
David Collste
Steve Keen
Dale Rothman
Steven Hinton
Jeniffer Hinton
Ulrich Goluke
Bernhard Thiele
Lars Olert
Ola Leifler
Deniz Koca
Jonas Lagander
Stefan Anderberg
Ilaria Perissi
Sara Falsini


Peter Fritzson,


Modeling of
Sustainable Economic Systems