Download Docker (All OS)

Docker is a lightweight alternative to virtual machines.

We have images available for the major CPU architectures: amd64, arm64, and armv7 at docker hub.

The images have 3 variants:

The images do not come with Modelica libraries installed. These are installed in your home directory which can be forwarded to docker and kept between sessions.

Note that you can customize docker images to your own liking, either basing them on the above images or using the same Dockerfiles we used to create them.

The graphical clients need X forwarding enabled, which works differently for each OS (see below). Once the instructions below have been followed: from the terminal you can run the alias


without arguments, which gives you a Linux terminal. You can start OMEdit from that terminal or run if you prefer, you can launch OMEdit directly using:

docker-om OMEdit



The following code when executed will add an alias to make launching OpenModelica easier.

echo $'alias docker-om=\'docker run -it --rm -v "$HOME:$HOME" -e "HOME=$HOME" -w "$PWD" -e "DISPLAY=`ifconfig | grep -o "inet [0-9.]*" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]{7,}" | grep -Fv | head -1`:0" --user $UID openmodelica/openmodelica:v1.24.5-gui\'' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"

What it does is create a command docker-om which will run a the given docker container and mount your home directory inside the docker container, set the X11 DISPLAY variable so graphical clients can connect (optional for the command-line omc), set the UNIX user ID to your own user so files in your home directory are still owned by you.


Install either Docker Desktop or the docker client that comes with your Linux distribution.

The following code when executed will add an alias to make launching OpenModelica easier. The alias will be activated after the next login.

echo $'alias docker-om=\'docker run -it --rm -v "$HOME:$HOME" -e "HOME=$HOME" -w "$PWD" -e "DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" --user $UID openmodelica/openmodelica:v1.24.5-gui\'' >> "$HOME/.profile"

What it does is create a command docker-om which will run a the given docker container and mount your home directory inside the docker container, set the network to the host adapter and the X11 DISPLAY variable so graphical clients can connect (optional for the command-line omc), set the UNIX user ID to your own user so files in your home directory are still owned by you.

Windows (WSL)

On Windows, install Docker Desktop using the WSL 2 backend.

Then in your WSL terminal, follow the instructions for Linux with the following modifications: