OpenModelica Compiler Flags¶
Usage: omc [Options] ( | Script.mos) [Libraries | .mo-files]
- Libraries: Fully qualified names of libraries to load before processing Model or Script. The libraries should be separated by spaces: Lib1 Lib2 ... LibN.
Sets debug flags. Use --help=debug to see available flags.
String list (default empty).
Displays the help text. Use --help=topics for more information.
String (default empty).
Print the version and exit.
Boolean (default false
Sets the target compiler to use.
String (default gcc). Valid options:
- gcc
- msvc
- msvc10
- msvc12
- msvc13
- msvc15
- vxworks69
- debugrt
Sets the grammar and semantics to accept.
String (default Modelica). Valid options:
- Modelica
- MetaModelica
- ParModelica
- Optimica
- PDEModelica
Sets the annotation version that should be used.
String (default 3.x). Valid options:
- 1.x
- 2.x
- 3.x
Sets the language standard that should be used.
String (default latest). Valid options:
- 1.x
- 2.x
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3.3
- latest
Show error messages immediately when they happen.
Boolean (default false
Show annotations in the flattened code.
Boolean (default false
Do not simplify expressions if set.
Boolean (default false
Sets the pre optimization modules to use in the back end. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default evaluateReplaceProtectedFinalEvaluateParameters,simplifyIfEquations,expandDerOperator,removeEqualFunctionCalls,clockPartitioning,findStateOrder,replaceEdgeChange,inlineArrayEqn,removeSimpleEquations,comSubExp,evalFunc,encapsulateWhenConditions). Valid options:
- clockPartitioning (Does the clock partitioning.)
- comSubExp (replaces common sub expressions)
- dumpDAE (dumps the DAE representation of the current transformation state)
- dumpDAEXML (dumps the DAE as xml representation of the current transformation state)
- encapsulateWhenConditions (This module replaces each when condition with a boolean variable.)
- evalFunc (evaluates functions partially)
- evaluateAllParameters (Evaluates all parameters to increase simulation speed.)
- evaluateEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateFinalEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateFinalParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are evalutated and replaced with their value in other vars. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceFinalEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceFinalParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceProtectedFinalEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final or protected are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- expandDerOperator (Expands der(expr) using Derive.differentiteExpTime.)
- findStateOrder (Sets derivative information to states.)
- inlineArrayEqn (This module expands all array equations to scalar equations.)
- inputDerivativesForDynOpt (Allowed derivatives of inputs in dyn. optimization.)
- introduceDerAlias (Adds for every der-call an alias equation e.g. dx = der(x).)
- removeEqualFunctionCalls (Detects equal function calls of the form a=f(b) and c=f(b) and substitutes them to get speed up.)
- removeProtectedParameters (Replace all parameters with protected=true in the system.)
- removeSimpleEquations (Performs alias elimination and removes constant variables from the DAE, replacing all occurrences of the old variable reference with the new value (constants) or variable reference (alias elimination).)
- removeUnusedParameter (Strips all parameter not present in the equations from the system.)
- removeUnusedVariables (Strips all variables not present in the equations from the system.)
- replaceEdgeChange (Replace edge(b) = b and not pre(b) and change(b) = v <> pre(v).)
- residualForm (Transforms simple equations x=y to zero-sum equations 0=y-x.)
- resolveLoops (resolves linear equations in loops)
- simplifyAllExpressions (Does simplifications on all expressions.)
- simplifyIfEquations (Tries to simplify if equations by use of information from evaluated parameters.)
- sortEqnsVars (Heuristic sorting for equations and variables. This module requires +d=sortEqnsAndVars.)
- stateMachineElab (Does the elaboration of state machines.)
- unitChecking (advanced unit checking: 1. calculation of unspecified unit information for variables; 2. unit consistency check for equations)
- wrapFunctionCalls (This module wraps function calls to gain speed up.)
Sets the cheap matching algorithm to use. A cheap matching algorithm gives a jump start matching by heuristics.
Integer (default 3
). Valid options:
- 0 (No cheap matching.)
- 1 (Cheap matching, traverses all equations and match the first free variable.)
- 3 (Random Karp-Sipser: R. M. Karp and M. Sipser. Maximum matching in sparse random graphs.)
Sets the matching algorithm to use. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String (default PFPlusExt). Valid options:
- BFSB (Breadth First Search based algorithm.)
- DFSB (Depth First Search based algorithm.)
- MC21A (Depth First Search based algorithm with look ahead feature.)
- PF (Depth First Search based algorithm with look ahead feature.)
- PFPlus (Depth First Search based algorithm with look ahead feature and fair row traversal.)
- HK (Combined BFS and DFS algorithm.)
- HKDW (Combined BFS and DFS algorithm.)
- ABMP (Combined BFS and DFS algorithm.)
- PR (Matching algorithm using push relabel mechanism.)
- DFSBExt (Depth First Search based Algorithm external c implementation.)
- BFSBExt (Breadth First Search based Algorithm external c implementation.)
- MC21AExt (Depth First Search based Algorithm with look ahead feature external c implementation.)
- PFExt (Depth First Search based Algorithm with look ahead feature external c implementation.)
- PFPlusExt (Depth First Search based Algorithm with look ahead feature and fair row traversal external c implementation.)
- HKExt (Combined BFS and DFS algorithm external c implementation.)
- HKDWExt (Combined BFS and DFS algorithm external c implementation.)
- ABMPExt (Combined BFS and DFS algorithm external c implementation.)
- PRExt (Matching algorithm using push relabel mechanism external c implementation.)
- BB (BBs try.)
Sets the index reduction method to use. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String (default dynamicStateSelection). Valid options:
- uode (Use the underlying ODE without the constraints.)
- dynamicStateSelection (Simple index reduction method, select (dynamic) dummy states based on analysis of the system.)
- dummyDerivatives (Simple index reduction method, select (static) dummy states based on heuristic.)
Sets the post optimization modules to use in the back end. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default lateInlineFunction,inlineArrayEqn,constantLinearSystem,simplifysemiLinear,removeSimpleEquations,simplifyComplexFunction,tearingSystem,inputDerivativesUsed,calculateStrongComponentJacobians,calculateStateSetsJacobians,detectJacobianSparsePattern,removeConstants,simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls,simplifyAllExpressions). Valid options:
- addScaledVars_states (added var_norm = var/nominal, where var is state)
- addScaledVars_inputs (added var_norm = var/nominal, where var is input)
- addTimeAsState (Experimental feature: this replaces each occurrence of variable time with a new introduced state $time with equation der($time) = 1.0)
- calculateStateSetsJacobians (Generates analytical jacobian for dynamic state selection sets.)
- calculateStrongComponentJacobians (Generates analytical jacobian for torn linear and non-linear strong components. By default non-linear components with user-defined function calls are skipped. See also debug flags: NLSanalyticJacobian and forceNLSanalyticJacobian)
- constantLinearSystem (Evaluates constant linear systems (a*x+b*y=c; d*x+e*y=f; a,b,c,d,e,f are constants) at compile-time.)
- countOperations (Count the mathematical operations of the system.)
- cseBinary (Common Sub-expression Elimination)
- detectJacobianSparsePattern (Detects the sparse pattern for Jacobian A.)
- dumpComponentsGraphStr (Dumps the assignment graph used to determine strong components to format suitable for Mathematica)
- dumpDAE (dumps the DAE representation of the current transformation state)
- dumpDAEXML (dumps the DAE as xml representation of the current transformation state)
- evaluateEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateFinalEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateFinalParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceFinalEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceFinalParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- evaluateReplaceProtectedFinalEvaluateParameters (Structural parameters and parameters declared as final and protected parameters are removed and replaced with their value. They may no longer be changed in the init file.)
- extendDynamicOptimization (Move loops to constraints.)
- generateSymbolicJacobian (Generates symbolic Jacobian matrix, where der(x) is differentiated w.r.t. x. This matrix can be used to simulate with dasslColorSymJac.)
- generateSymbolicLinearization (Generates symbolic linearization matrices A,B,C,D for linear model:
- inlineArrayEqn (This module expands all array equations to scalar equations.)
- inputDerivativesUsed (Checks if derivatives of inputs are need to calculate the model.)
- lateInlineFunction (Perform function inlining for function with annotation LateInline=true.)
- partlintornsystem (partitions linear torn systems.)
- recursiveTearing (inline and repeat tearing)
- reduceDynamicOptimization (Removes equations which are not needed for the calculations of cost and constraints. This module requires +d=reduceDynOpt.)
- relaxSystem (relaxation from gausian elemination)
- removeConstants (Remove all constants in the system.)
- removeEqualFunctionCalls (Detects equal function calls of the form a=f(b) and c=f(b) and substitutes them to get speed up.)
- removeSimpleEquations (Performs alias elimination and removes constant variables from the DAE, replacing all occurrences of the old variable reference with the new value (constants) or variable reference (alias elimination).)
- removeUnusedParameter (Strips all parameter not present in the equations from the system to get speed up for compilation of target code.)
- removeUnusedVariables (Strips all variables not present in the equations from the system to get speed up for compilation of target code.)
- reshufflePost (Reshuffles algebraic loops.)
- simplifyAllExpressions (Does simplifications on all expressions.)
- simplifyComplexFunction (Some simplifications on complex functions (complex refers to the internal data structure))
- simplifyConstraints (Rewrites nonlinear constraints into box constraints if possible. This module requires +gDynOpt.)
- simplifyLoops (Simplifies algebraic loops. This modules requires +simplifyLoops.)
- simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls (Simplifies time independent built in function calls like pre(param) -> param, der(param) -> 0.0, change(param) -> false, edge(param) -> false.)
- simplifysemiLinear (Simplifies calls to semiLinear.)
- solveLinearSystem (solve linear system with newton step)
- solveSimpleEquations (Solves simple equations)
- symEuler (Rewrites the ode system for implicit Euler method. This module requires +symEuler.)
- tearingSystem (For method selection use flag tearingMethod.)
- wrapFunctionCalls (This module wraps function calls to gain speed up.)
Sets the target language for the code generation.
String (default C). Valid options:
- None
- Adevs
- C
- Cpp
- CSharp
- Java
- JavaScript
- sfmi
Orders connect equations alphabetically if set.
Boolean (default true
Prints out extra type information if set.
Boolean (default false
Sets whether to split arrays or not.
Boolean (default false
Enables valid modelica output for flat modelica.
Boolean (default false
Turns on silent mode.
Boolean (default false
Sets the name of the corba session if -d=interactiveCorba is used.
String (default empty).
Sets the number of processors to use (0=default=auto).
Integer (default 0
Sets the latency for parallel execution.
Integer (default 0
Sets the bandwidth for parallel execution.
Integer (default 0
Instantiate the class given by the fully qualified path.
String (default empty).
Sets the vectorization limit, arrays and matrices larger than this will not be vectorized.
Integer (default 0
Turns on simulation code generation.
Boolean (default false
Sets whether to evaluate parameters in annotations or not.
Boolean (default false
Turns on labeled SimCode generation for reduction algorithms.
Boolean (default false
Turns on reducing terms for reduction algorithms.
Boolean (default false
Sets the reduction method to be used.
String (default deletion). Valid options:
- deletion
- substitution
- linearization
Disable Warning/Error Massages.
Boolean (default false
Override the locale from the environment.
String (default empty).
Sets the default OpenCL device to be used for parallel execution.
Integer (default 0
Maximal traversals to find simple equations in the acausal system.
Integer (default 2
Redirect the dump to file. If the file ends with .html HTML code is generated.
String (default empty).
Enables (very) experimental code to break algebraic loops using the delay() operator. Probably messes with initialization.
Boolean (default true
Sets the tearing method to use. Select no tearing or choose tearing method.
String (default cellier). Valid options:
- noTearing (Skip tearing.)
- omcTearing (Tearing method developed by TU Dresden: Frenkel, Schubert.)
- cellier (Tearing based on Celliers method, revised by FH Bielefeld: Täuber, Patrick)
Sets the tearing heuristic to use for Cellier-tearing.
String (default MC3). Valid options:
- MC1 (Original cellier with consideration of impossible assignments and discrete Vars.)
- MC2 (Modified cellier, drop first step.)
- MC11 (Modified MC1, new last step 'count impossible assignments'.)
- MC21 (Modified MC2, new last step 'count impossible assignments'.)
- MC12 (Modified MC1, step 'count impossible assignments' before last step.)
- MC22 (Modified MC2, step 'count impossible assignments' before last step.)
- MC13 (Modified MC1, build sum of impossible assignment and causalizable equations, choose var with biggest sum.)
- MC23 (Modified MC2, build sum of impossible assignment and causalizable equations, choose var with biggest sum.)
- MC231 (Modified MC23, Two rounds, choose better potentials-set.)
- MC3 (Modified cellier, build sum of impossible assignment and causalizable equations for all vars, choose var with biggest sum.)
- MC4 (Modified cellier, use all heuristics, choose var that occurs most in potential sets)
Disables the tearing of linear systems. That might improve the performance of large linear systems(N>1000) in combination with a sparse solver (e.g. umfpack) at runtime (usage with: -ls umfpack).
Boolean (default false
Scalarizes the builtin min/max reduction operators if true.
Boolean (default false
Always scalarizes bindings if set.
Boolean (default false
Sets the path for corba object reference file if -d=interactiveCorba is used.
String (default empty).
Sets the scheduler for task graph scheduling (list | listr | level | levelfix | ext | metis | mcp | taskdep | tds | bls | rand | none). Default: level.
String (default level).
Sets the code-type produced by hpcom (openmp | pthreads | pthreads_spin | tbb | mpi). Default: openmp.
String (default openmp).
Activates user given rewrite rules for Absyn expressions. The rules are read from the given file and are of the form rewrite(fromExp, toExp);
String (default empty).
Replaces homotopy(actual, simplified) with the actual expression or the simplified expression. Good for debugging models which use homotopy. The default is to not replace homotopy.
String (default none). Valid options:
- none (Default, do not replace homotopy.)
- actual (Replace homotopy(actual, simplified) with actual.)
- simplified (Replace homotopy(actual, simplified) with simplified.)
Generates symbolic Jacobian matrix, where der(x) is differentiated w.r.t. x. This matrix can be utilise by dassl with the runtime option: -dasslJacobian=coloredSymbolical|symbolical. Deprecated flag: Use --postOptModules+=generateSymbolicJacobian instead.
Boolean (default false
- Generates symbolic linearization matrices A,B,C,D for linear model:
Boolean (default false
Allow Integer to enumeration conversion.
Boolean (default false
Sets the profiling level to use. Profiled equations and functions record execution time and count for each time step taken by the integrator.
String (default none). Valid options:
- none (Generate code without profiling)
- blocks (Generate code for profiling function calls as well as linear and non-linear systems of equations)
- blocks+html (Like blocks, but also run xsltproc and gnuplot to generate an html report)
- all (Generate code for profiling of all functions and equations)
- all_perf (Generate code for profiling of all functions and equations with additional performance data using the papi-interface (cpp-runtime))
- all_stat (Generate code for profiling of all functions and equations with additional statistics (cpp-runtime))
sets tolerance of reshuffling algorithm: 1: conservative, 2: more tolerant, 3 resolve all
Integer (default 1
Generate dynamic optimization problem based on annotation approach.
Boolean (default false
Max size for solveLinearSystem.
Integer (default 0
Sets extra flags for compilation with the C++ compiler (e.g. +cppFlags=-O3,-Wall)
String list (default ).
Specifies method that removes simple equations.
String (default default). Valid options:
- none (Disables module)
- default (Performs alias elimination and removes constant variables. Default case uses in preOpt phase the fastAcausal and in postOpt phase the causal implementation.)
- causal (Performs alias elimination and removes constant variables. Causal implementation.)
- fastAcausal (Performs alias elimination and removes constant variables. fastImplementation fastAcausal.)
- allAcausal (Performs alias elimination and removes constant variables. Implementation allAcausal.)
- new (New implementation (experimental))
Activates dynamic tearing (TearingSet can be changed automatically during runtime, strict set vs. casual set.)
Boolean (default false
Rewrite the ode system for implicit euler.
Boolean (default false
Specifies method that transform loops in constraints. hint: using initial guess from file!
String (default none). Valid options:
- none (Disables module)
- lin (linear loops --> constraints)
- noLin (no linear loops --> constraints)
- all (loops --> constraints)
Use tearing set even if it is not smaller than the original component.
Boolean (default false
Simplify algebraic loops.
Integer (default 0
). Valid options:
- 0 (do nothing)
- 1 (special modification of residual expressions)
- 2 (special modification of residual expressions with helper variables)
Inline and repeat tearing.
Integer (default 0
). Valid options:
- 0 (do nothing)
- 1 (linear tearing set of size 1)
- 2 (linear tearing)
Sets the minium threshold for stream flow rates
Real (default 1e-07
Sets the matrix format type in cpp runtime which should be used (dense | sparse ). Default: dense.
String (default dense).
Sets the limit for partitionin of linear torn systems.
Integer (default 0
Sets the initialization optimization modules to use in the back end. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default simplifyComplexFunction,tearingSystem,calculateStrongComponentJacobians,solveSimpleEquations,simplifyAllExpressions). Valid options:
- calculateStrongComponentJacobians (Generates analytical jacobian for torn linear and non-linear strong components. By default non-linear components with user-defined function calls are skipped. See also debug flags: NLSanalyticJacobian and NLSanalyticJacobianDisable)
- constantLinearSystem (Evaluates constant linear systems (a*x+b*y=c; d*x+e*y=f; a,b,c,d,e,f are constants) at compile-time.)
- extendDynamicOptimization (Move loops to constraints.)
- inputDerivativesUsed (Checks if derivatives of inputs are need to calculate the model.)
- recursiveTearing (inline and repeat tearing)
- reduceDynamicOptimization (Removes equations which are not needed for the calculations of cost and constraints. This module requires +d=reduceDynOpt.)
- simplifyAllExpressions (Does simplifications on all expressions.)
- simplifyComplexFunction (Some simplifications on complex functions (complex refers to the internal data structure))
- simplifyConstraints (Rewrites nonlinear constraints into box constraints if possible. This module requires +gDynOpt.)
- simplifyLoops (Simplifies algebraic loops. This modules requires +simplifyLoops.)
- solveSimpleEquations (Solves simple equations)
- tearingSystem (For method selection use flag tearingMethod.)
Sets the maximum mixed-determined index that is handled by the initialization.
Integer (default 3
Keeps the input/output prefix for all variables in the flat model, not only top-level ones.
Boolean (default false
If this is activated, then the specified pre-/post-/init-optimization modules will be rearranged to the recommended ordering.
Boolean (default true
Sets additional pre-optimization modules to use in the back end. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default empty).
Disables a list of pre-optimization modules. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default empty).
Sets additional post-optimization modules to use in the back end. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default empty).
Disables a list of post-optimization modules. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default empty).
Sets additional init-optimization modules to use in the back end. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default empty).
Disables a list of init-optimization modules. See --help=optmodules for more info.
String list (default empty).
Debug flags¶
The debug flag takes a comma-separated list of flags which are used by the compiler for debugging or experimental purposes. Flags prefixed with "-" or "no" will be disabled. The available flags are (+ are enabled by default, - are disabled):
- Cache (default: on)
- Turns off the instantiation cache.
- NLSanalyticJacobian (default: on)
- Enables analytical jacobian for non-linear strong components without user-defined function calls, for that see forceNLSanalyticJacobian
- acceptTooManyFields (default: off)
- Accepts passing records with more fields than expected to a function. This is not allowed, but is used in Fluid.Dissipation. See for details.
- addDerAliases (default: off)
- Adds for every der-call an alias equation e.g. dx = der(x). It's a work-a-round flag, which helps im some cases to simulate the models e.g. Modelica.Fluid.Examples.HeatExchanger.HeatExchangerSimulation. Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules+=introduceDerAlias instead.
- addScaledVars (default: off)
- Adds an alias equation var_nrom = var/nominal where var is state Deprecated flag: Use --postOptModules+=addScaledVars_states instead.
- addScaledVarsInput (default: off)
- Adds an alias equation var_nrom = var/nominal where var is input Deprecated flag: Use --postOptModules+=addScaledVars_inputs instead.
- advanceTearing (default: off)
- Using ExpressionSolve in adjacencyRowEnhanced
- backenddaeinfo (default: off)
- Enables dumping of back-end information about system (Number of equations before back-end,...).
- bltdump (default: off)
- Dumps information from index reduction.
- buildExternalLibs (default: on)
- Use the autotools project in the Resources folder of the library to build missing external libraries.
- ceval (default: off)
- Prints extra information from Ceval.
- cgraph (default: off)
- Prints out connection graph information.
- cgraphGraphVizFile (default: off)
- Generates a graphviz file of the connection graph.
- cgraphGraphVizShow (default: off)
- Displays the connection graph with the GraphViz lefty tool.
- checkASUB (default: off)
- Prints out a warning if an ASUB is created from a CREF expression.
- checkBackendDae (default: off)
- Do some simple analyses on the datastructure from the frontend to check if it is consistent.
- checkDAECrefType (default: off)
- Enables extra type checking for cref expressions.
- checkSimplify (default: off)
- Enables checks for expression simplification and prints a notification whenever an undesirable transformation has been performed.
- constjac (default: off)
- solves linear systems with constant Jacobian and variable b-Vector symbolically
- countOperations (default: off)
- Count operations.
- daedumpgraphv (default: off)
- Dumps the DAE in graphviz format.
- debugAlgebraicLoopsJacobian (default: off)
- Dumps debug output while creating symbolic jacobians for non-linear systems.
- debugAlias (default: off)
- Dump the found alias variables.
- debugDifferentiation (default: off)
- Dumps debug output for the differentiation process.
- debugDifferentiationVerbose (default: off)
- Dumps verbose debug output for the differentiation process.
- disableComSubExp (default: off)
- Deactivates module 'comSubExp' Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules-=comSubExp instead.
- disableJacsforSCC (default: off)
- Disables calculation of jacobians to detect if a SCC is linear or non-linear. By disabling all SCC will handled like non-linear.
- disablePartitioning (default: off)
- Deactivates partitioning of entire equation system. Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules-=clockPartitioning instead.
- disableRecordConstructorOutput (default: off)
- Disables output of record constructors in the flat code.
- disableSimplifyComplexFunction (default: off)
- disable simplifyComplexFunction Deprecated flag: Use --postOptModules-=simplifyComplexFunction/--initOptModules-=simplifyComplexFunction instead.
- disableSingleFlowEq (default: off)
- Disables the generation of single flow equations.
- disableStartCalc (default: off)
- Deactivates the pre-calculation of start values during compile-time.
- disableSymbolicLinearization (default: off)
- For FMI 2.0 only dependecy analysis will be perform.
- disableWindowsPathCheckWarning (default: off)
- Disables warnings on Windows if OPENMODELICAHOME/MinGW is missing.
- discreteinfo (default: off)
- Enables dumping of discrete variables. Extends -d=backenddaeinfo.
- dummyselect (default: off)
- Dumps information from dummy state selection heuristic.
- dump (default: off)
- Dumps the absyn representation of a program.
- dumpCSE (default: off)
- Additional output for CSE module.
- dumpCSE_verbose (default: off)
- Additional output for CSE module.
- dumpConstrepl (default: off)
- Dump the found replacements for constants.
- dumpEArepl (default: off)
- Dump the found replacements for evaluate annotations (evaluate=true) parameters.
- dumpEncapsulateConditions (default: off)
- Dumps the results of the preOptModule encapsulateWhenConditions.
- dumpEqInUC (default: off)
- Dumps all equations handled by the unit checker.
- dumpEqUCStruct (default: off)
- Dumps all the equations handled by the unit checker as tree-structure.
- dumpExcludedSymJacExps (default: off)
- This flags dumps all expression that are excluded from differentiation of a symbolic Jacobian.
- dumpFPrepl (default: off)
- Dump the found replacements for final parameters.
- dumpFunctions (default: off)
- Add functions to backend dumps.
- dumpHomotopy (default: off)
- Dumps the results of the postOptModule optimizeHomotopyCalls.
- dumpInlineSolver (default: off)
- Dumps the inline solver equation system.
- dumpPPrepl (default: off)
- Dump the found replacements for protected parameters.
- dumpParamrepl (default: off)
- Dump the found replacements for remove parameters.
- dumpRecursiveTearing (default: off)
- Dump between steps of recursiveTearing
- dumpSCCGraphML (default: off)
- Dumps graphml files with the strongly connected components.
- dumpSimCode (default: off)
- Dumps the simCode model used for code generation.
- dumpSimplifyLoops (default: off)
- Dump between steps of simplifyLoops
- dumpSparsePattern (default: off)
- Dumps sparse pattern with coloring used for simulation.
- dumpSparsePatternVerbose (default: off)
- Dumps in verbose mode sparse pattern with coloring used for simulation.
- dumpSynchronous (default: off)
- Dumps information of the clock partitioning.
- dumpTransformedModelica (default: off)
- Dumps the back-end DAE to a Modelica-like model after all symbolic transformations are applied.
- dumpUnits (default: off)
- Dumps all the calculated units.
- dumpdaelow (default: off)
- Dumps the equation system at the beginning of the back end.
- dumpdgesv (default: off)
- Enables dumping of the information whether DGESV is used to solve linear systems.
- dumpeqninorder (default: off)
- Enables dumping of the equations in the order they are calculated.
- dumpindxdae (default: off)
- Dumps the equation system after index reduction and optimization.
- dumpinitialsystem (default: off)
- Dumps the initial equation system.
- dumprepl (default: off)
- Dump the found replacements for simple equation removal.
- dynamicTearingInfo (default: off)
- Dumps information about the strict and casual sets of the tearing system.
- dynload (default: off)
- Display debug information about dynamic loading of compiled functions.
- evalAllParams (default: off)
- Evaluates all parameters in order to increase simulation speed. Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules+=evaluateAllParameters instead.
- evalConstFuncs (default: on)
- Evaluates functions complete and partially and checks for constant output. Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules+=evalFunc instead.
- evalFuncDump (default: off)
- dumps debug information about the function evaluation
- evalOutputOnly (default: off)
- Generates equations to calculate outputs only.
- evalfunc (default: on)
- Turns on/off symbolic function evaluation.
- evalparam (default: off)
- Constant evaluates parameters if set.
- events (default: on)
- Turns on/off events handling.
- execHash (default: off)
- Measures the time it takes to hash all simcode variables before code generation.
- execstat (default: off)
- Prints out execution statistics for the compiler.
- experimentalReductions (default: off)
- Turns on custom reduction functions (OpenModelica extension).
- failtrace (default: off)
- Sets whether to print a failtrace or not.
- fmuExperimental (default: off)
- Include an extra function in the FMU fmi2GetSpecificDerivatives.
- forceNLSanalyticJacobian (default: off)
- Forces calculation analytical jacobian also for non-linear strong components with user-defined functions.
- gcProfiling (default: off)
- Prints garbage collection stats to standard output.
- gen (default: on)
- Turns on/off dynamic loading of functions that are compiled during translation. Only enable this if external functions are needed to calculate structural parameters or constants.
- gendebugsymbols (default: off)
- Generate code with debugging symbols.
- generateCodeCheat (default: off)
- Used to generate code for the bootstrapped compiler.
- graphInst (default: off)
- Do graph based instantiation.
- graphInstGenGraph (default: off)
- Dumps a graph of the program. Use with -d=graphInst
- graphInstRunDep (default: off)
- Run scode dependency analysis. Use with -d=graphInst
- graphInstShowGraph (default: off)
- Display a graph of the program interactively. Use with -d=graphInst
- graphml (default: off)
- Dumps .graphml files for the bipartite graph after Index Reduction and a task graph for the SCCs. Can be displayed with yEd.
- graphviz (default: off)
- Dumps the absyn representation of a program in graphviz format.
- graphvizDump (default: off)
- Activates additional graphviz dumps (as .dot files). It can be used in addition to one of the following flags: {dumpdaelow|dumpinitialsystems|dumpindxdae}.
- hardcodedStartValues (default: off)
- Embed the start values of variables and parameters into the c++ code and do not read it from xml file.
- hpcom (default: off)
- Enables parallel calculation based on task-graphs.
- hpcomDump (default: off)
- Dumps additional information on the parallel execution with hpcom.
- hpcomMemoryOpt (default: off)
- Optimize the memory structure regarding the selected scheduler
- implOde (default: off)
- activates implicit codegen
- infoXmlOperations (default: off)
- Enables output of the operations in the _info.xml file when translating models.
- initialization (default: off)
- Shows additional information from the initialization process.
- inlineFunctions (default: on)
- Controls if function inlining should be performed.
- inlineSolver (default: off)
- Generates code for inline solver.
- instance (default: off)
- Prints extra failtrace from InstanceHierarchy.
- interactive (default: off)
- Starts omc as a server listening on the socket interface.
- interactiveCorba (default: off)
- Starts omc as a server listening on the Corba interface.
- interactivedump (default: off)
- Prints out debug information for the interactive server.
- iterationVars (default: off)
- Shows a list of all iteration variables.
- lookup (default: off)
- Print extra failtrace from lookup.
- modelInfoJson (default: on)
- Experimental: Generates a file with suffix _info.json instead of _info.xml.
- multirate (default: off)
- The solver can switch partitions in the system.
- onRelaxation (default: off)
- Perform O(n) relaxation. Deprecated flag: Use --postOptModules+=relaxSystem instead.
- optdaedump (default: off)
- Dumps information from the optimization modules.
- paramdlowdump (default: off)
- Enables dumping of the parameters in the order they are calculated.
- parmodauto (default: off)
- Experimental: Enable parallelization of independent systems of equations in the translated model.
- patternmAllInfo (default: off)
- Adds notifications of all pattern-matching optimizations that are performed.
- patternmDeadCodeElimination (default: on)
- Performs dead code elimination in match-expressions.
- patternmMoveLastExp (default: on)
- Optimization that moves the last assignment(s) into the result of a match-expression. For example: equation c = fn(b); then c; => then fn(b);
patternmSkipFilterUnusedBindings (default: off)
- pedantic (default: off)
- Switch into pedantic debug-mode, to get much more feedback.
- printStructuralParameters (default: off)
- Prints the structural parameters identified by the front-end
- pthreads (default: off)
- Experimental: Unused parallelization.
- reduceDynOpt (default: off)
- remove eqs which not need for the calculations of cost and constraints Deprecated flag: Use --postOptModules+=reduceDynamicOptimization instead.
- relidx (default: off)
- Prints out debug information about relations, that are used as zero crossings.
- reshufflePost (default: off)
- Reshuffles the systems of equations.
- resolveLoops (default: off)
- Activates the resolveLoops module. Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules+=resolveLoops instead.
- rml (default: off)
- Converts Modelica-style arrays to lists.
- runtimeStaticLinking (default: off)
- Use the static simulation runtime libraries (C++ simulation runtime).
- scodeDep (default: on)
- Does scode dependency analysis prior to instantiation. Defaults to true.
- scodeInst (default: off)
- Enables experimental SCode instantiation phase.
- semiLinear (default: off)
- Enables dumping of the optimization information when optimizing calls to semiLinear.
- shortOutput (default: off)
- Enables short output of the simulate() command. Useful for tools like OMNotebook.
- showDaeGeneration (default: off)
- Show the dae variable declarations as they happen.
- showEquationSource (default: off)
- Display the element source information in the dumped DAE for easier debugging.
- showExpandableInfo (default: off)
- Show information about expandable connector handling.
- showInstCacheInfo (default: off)
- Prints information about instantiation cache hits and additions. Defaults to false.
- showStartOrigin (default: off)
- Enables dumping of the DAE startOrigin attribute of the variables.
- showStatement (default: off)
- Shows the statement that is currently being evaluated when evaluating a script.
- sortEqnsAndVars (default: off)
- Heuristic sorting for equations and variables. Influenced: removeSimpleEquations and tearing. Deprecated flag: Use --preOptModules+=sortEqnsVars instead.
- stateselection (default: off)
- Enables dumping of selected states. Extends -d=backenddaeinfo.
- static (default: off)
- Enables extra debug output from the static elaboration.
- stripPrefix (default: on)
- Strips the environment prefix from path/crefs. Defaults to true.
- symjacdump (default: off)
- Dumps information about symbolic Jacobians. Can be used only with postOptModules: generateSymbolicJacobian, generateSymbolicLinearization.
- symjacdumpeqn (default: off)
- Dump for debug purpose of symbolic Jacobians. (deactivated now).
- symjacdumpverbose (default: off)
- Dumps information in verbose mode about symbolic Jacobians. Can be used only with postOptModules: generateSymbolicJacobian, generateSymbolicLinearization.
- symjacwarnings (default: off)
- Prints warnings regarding symoblic jacbians.
- tail (default: off)
- Prints out a notification if tail recursion optimization has been applied.
- tearingdump (default: off)
- Dumps tearing information.
- tearingdumpV (default: off)
- Dumps verbose tearing information.
- tplPerfTimes (default: off)
- Enables output of template performance data for rendering text to file.
- transformsbeforedump (default: off)
- Applies transformations required for code generation before dumping flat code.
- types (default: off)
- Prints extra failtrace from Types.
- uncertainties (default: off)
- Enables dumping of status when calling modelEquationsUC.
- updmod (default: off)
- Prints information about modification updates.
- useMPI (default: off)
- Add MPI init and finalize to main method (CPPruntime).
- vectorize (default: off)
- Activates vectorization in the backend.
- visxml (default: off)
- Outputs a xml-file that contains information for visualization.
- writeToBuffer (default: off)
- Enables writing simulation results to buffer.
Flags for Optimization Modules¶
Flags that determine which symbolic methods are used to produce the causalized equation system.
The --preOptModules flag sets the optimization modules which are used before the matching and index reduction in the back end. These modules are specified as a comma-separated list.
The --matchingAlgorithm sets the method that is used for the matching algorithm, after the pre optimization modules.
The --indexReductionMethod sets the method that is used for the index reduction, after the pre optimization modules.
The --initOptModules then sets the optimization modules which are used after the index reduction to optimize the system for initialization, specified as a comma-separated list.
The --postOptModules then sets the optimization modules which are used after the index reduction to optimize the system for simulation, specified as a comma-separated list.