OMSysIdent is a module for the parameter estimation of behavioral models (wrapped as FMUs) on top of the OMSimulator API. It uses the Ceres solver ( for the optimization task.
It is an optional module which can be disabled. Please check the build files for your platform for the respective flags.
There are examples in the testsuite below the subfolder OMSysIdent which use the scripting API. In addition there are examples which directly use the C API within the module’s source code folder (src/OMSysIdentLib).
Below is a basic example from the testsuite (HelloWorld_cs_Fit.lua) which uses the Lua scripting API. It determines the parameters for the following “hello world” style Modelica model:
model HelloWorld
parameter Real a = -1;
parameter Real x_start = 1;
Real x(start=x_start, fixed=true);
der(x) = a*x;
end HelloWorld;
The goal is to estimate the value of the coefficent a and the initial value x_start of the state variable x. Instead of real measurements, the script simply uses simulation data generated from the HelloWorld examples as measurement data. The array data_time contains the time instants at which a sample is taken and the array data_x contains the value of x that corresponds to the respective time instant.
The estimation parameters are defined by calls to function omsi_addParameter(..) in which the name of the parameter and a first guess for the parameter’s value is stated.
oms_addSystem("HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root", oms_system_wc)
-- add FMU
oms_addSubModel("HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld", "../FMUs/HelloWorld.fmu")
-- create system identification model for model
simodel = omsi_newSysIdentModel("HelloWorld_cs_Fit");
-- Data generated from simulating for 1.0s with Euler and 0.1s step size
kNumSeries = 1;
kNumObservations = 11;
data_time = {0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1};
inputvars = {};
measurementvars = {"HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld.x"};
data_x = {1, 0.9, 0.8100000000000001, 0.7290000000000001, 0.6561, 0.5904900000000001, 0.5314410000000001, 0.4782969000000001, 0.43046721, 0.387420489, 0.3486784401};
omsi_initialize(simodel, kNumSeries, data_time, inputvars, measurementvars)
-- omsi_describe(simodel)
omsi_addParameter(simodel, "HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld.x_start", 0.5);
omsi_addParameter(simodel, "HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld.a", -0.5);
omsi_addMeasurement(simodel, 0, "HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld.x", data_x);
-- omsi_describe(simodel)
omsi_setOptions_max_num_iterations(simodel, 25)
omsi_solve(simodel, "BriefReport")
status, simodelstate = omsi_getState(simodel);
-- print(status, simodelstate)
status, startvalue1, estimatedvalue1 = omsi_getParameter(simodel, "HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld.a")
status, startvalue2, estimatedvalue2 = omsi_getParameter(simodel, "HelloWorld_cs_Fit.root.HelloWorld.x_start")
-- print("HelloWorld.a startvalue=" .. startvalue1 .. ", estimatedvalue=" .. estimatedvalue1)
-- print("HelloWorld.x_start startvalue=" .. startvalue2 .. ", estimatedvalue=" .. estimatedvalue2)
is_OK1 = estimatedvalue1 > -1.1 and estimatedvalue1 < -0.9
is_OK2 = estimatedvalue2 > 0.9 and estimatedvalue2 < 1.1
print("HelloWorld.a estimation is OK: " .. tostring(is_OK1))
print("HelloWorld.x_start estimation is OK: " .. tostring(is_OK2))
Running the script generates the following console output:
iter cost cost_change |gradient| |step| tr_ratio tr_radius ls_iter iter_time total_time
0 4.034320e-01 0.00e+00 2.19e+00 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+04 0 2.35e-02 2.35e-02
1 3.821520e-02 3.65e-01 4.11e-01 9.87e-01 9.06e-01 2.15e+04 1 2.90e-02 5.25e-02
2 6.837776e-04 3.75e-02 5.19e-02 3.58e-01 9.83e-01 6.46e+04 1 2.77e-02 8.02e-02
3 1.354499e-07 6.84e-04 6.08e-04 4.58e-02 1.00e+00 1.94e+05 1 2.96e-02 1.10e-01
4 5.854620e-15 1.35e-07 1.09e-07 7.22e-04 1.00e+00 5.82e+05 1 3.08e-02 1.41e-01
5 1.160287e-25 5.85e-15 2.26e-13 1.59e-07 1.00e+00 1.74e+06 1 2.86e-02 1.69e-01
Ceres Solver Report: Iterations: 6, Initial cost: 4.034320e-01, Final cost: 1.160287e-25, Termination: CONVERGENCE
Total duration for parameter estimation: 169msec.
Result of parameter estimation (check 'Termination' status above whether solver converged):
HelloWorld_cs_Fit.HelloWorld:a(start=-0.5, *estimate*=-1.04807)
HelloWorld_cs_Fit.HelloWorld:x_start(start=0.5, *estimate*=1)
0 convergence
HelloWorld.a startvalue=-0.5, estimatedvalue=-1.0480741793778
HelloWorld.x_start startvalue=0.5, estimatedvalue=0.99999999999972
HelloWorld.a estimation is OK: true
HelloWorld.x_start estimation is OK: true
info: Logging information has been saved to "HelloWorld_cs_Fit.log"
Lua Scripting Commands¶
Creates an empty model for parameter estimation.
-- ident [in] Name of the model instance as string.
-- simodel [out] SysIdent model instance as opaque pointer.
simodel = omsi_newSysIdentModel(ident)
Add parameter that should be estimated.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- var [in] Name of parameter.
-- startvalue [in] Start value of parameter.
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_addParameter(simodel, var, startvalue)
Add measurement values for a fitting variable.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- iSeries [in] Index of measurement series.
-- var [in] Name of variable.
-- values [in] Array of measured values for respective time instants.
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_addMeasurement(simodel, iSeries, var, values)
This function initializes a given composite model. After this call, the model is in simulation mode.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- nSeries [in] Number of measurement series.
-- time [in] Array of measurement/input time instants.
-- inputvars [in] Array of names of input variables (empty array if none).
-- measurmentvars [in] Array of names of observed measurement variables.
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_initialize(simodel, nSeries, time, inputvars, measurementvars)
Get state of SysIdent model object.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- state [out] State of SysIdent model.
-- status [out] Error status.
status, state = omsi_getState(simodel)
Solve parameter estimation problem.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- reporttype [in] Print report and progress information after call to Ceres solver.
-- Supported report types: {"", "BriefReport", "FullReport"},
-- where "" denotes no output.
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_solve(simodel, reporttype)
Get parameter that should be estimated.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- var [in] Name of parameter.
-- startvalue [out] Start value of parameter.
-- estimatedvalue [out] Estimated value of parameter.
-- status [out] Error status.
status, startvalue, estimatedvalue = omsi_getParameter(simodel, var)
Set Ceres solver option Solver::Options::max_num_iterations.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- max_num_iterations [in] Maximum number of iterations for which the solver
-- should run (default: 25).
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_setOptions_max_num_iterations(simodel, max_num_iterations)
Unloads a model.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
Print summary of SysIdent model.
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_describe(simodel)
Add input values for external model inputs.
If there are several measurement series, all series need to be conducted with the same external inputs!
-- simodel [inout] SysIdent model as opaque pointer.
-- var [in] Name of input variable.
-- time [in] Array of input time instants.
-- values [in] Array of input values corresponding to respective "time" array entries in omsi_initialize().
-- status [out] Error status.
status = omsi_addInput(simodel, var, time, values)